Day 4
My niece helping me out with an assignment!
Day 4
My niece helping me out with an assignment!
day 1
Black & White Challenge
I've been challenged to share a black and white image each day for five days, mentioning my challenger and also tagging others to join in.
enean Melcher and Marc Konchinsky
tagged me into this challenge.
Thankfully the picture doesn't have to be new, but this one is newly edited!
Upside down.
Project: Create 2014
We're back this year with a new project designed to help us build more creativity into our photography.
Every other Monday we'll post our images, many of them taken with our Lensbaby lenses.
The effects of the Lensbaby can be somewhat subtle or quite dramatic.
At the bottom of my post, as well as in the post of the other photographers, is a link to next photographers images. Click those links to take a trip around our circle!
This week's images brought to you with K and M!
A need for a babysitter and a need for some subjects
proved beneficial for all involved!
Yes, I'll watch the girls, if you bring them with their winter boots!
Lots of inspiration from this week's shot came from Denean Melcher photography and Denean's images over the last couple of weeks.
Start the circle here with photographer