Project: Create 2014

We're back this year with a new project designed to help us build more creativity into our photography.
Every other Monday we'll post our images, many of them taken with our Lensbaby lenses.
The effects of the Lensbaby can be somewhat subtle or quite dramatic.
At the bottom of my post, as well as in the post of the other photographer(s), is a link to next photographers images. Click those links to take a trip around our circle!

I spent a few minutes down at the waterfront in Wilmington a few weeks ago. 
I friend lent me some accessories for my Lensbaby.
I tried out, what I thought was, her wide angle lens, instead I used her macro lens.
It was a windy, windy day and since I didn't want to change lenses outside and risk getting dust, or heavens know what on my sensor, I just rolled with it!  

Here are just the few images I took! 

There was something about these pilings that drew my eye.  I'm not sure if it was the details showing their age and character or if was simply the way they were wired together!

Start the circle here with photographer