Project Life 365-day 178


I have know this "some day" would come for years.  My baby is out of college and on his own in New York City.

I am so proud of the man he has become, what he's made of his life, and how he has accomplished his goals.

I hope his "some_day" brings him joy and the realization of his dreams!

Project Life 365-days 107 and 108

I'm beginning to wonder if I'll be able to complete this project.  It should be fun, but one of the things about learning a new craft is that you realize that you can do better. Be better.  Nothing is good enough. 
I really need to get out of that mind set.
It's killing my creativity.
I work as a substitute in a school, but rarely havsome re a day off.  Today is one of those rare days, so I sit here in front of my computer looking through  the pictures from last week's trip to 
Washington DC. 
(I really should be cleaning, but, hey, I have priorities!)
As I was scanning Facebook, I saw an update from the main group of Project Life and decided to check out today's theme, in case I had a picture that qualitifies. It just so happens that I have one for yesterday too!  Who knows, maybe I'll be back later with more.  

Day 108/365-"Hello, oh hi there!"

Day 107/365-"symetry"

Did you know that butterflies are symetrical?  

Project Life 365-day 85

I am really behind with this project.  Today I am going to attempt to catch up a bit with shots that I took this past weekend at Longwood Gardens that fit the various prompts that I have missed. 

Day 23 "transparent"

Day 68 "contained"

Day 75 "in the middle"

  Day 77 "light"

 Day 80 "weather"

 Day 85 "green"

Project Life 365-day 72


Messages are everywhere.  
On our phones.  In our mailboxes. In a card from a friend. In a note on a table. 
I like the more subliminal messages sometimes.
Today, especially, is one of those days. 
As I added my picture to the page on our Facebook group page, I said "This was my message from God this morning that I'd see the sun, if only for a little while and in between rain showers this afternoon.'
Life is like that sometimes.  
We don't see the sun for a long time, but it's there.  Sometimes, it's  between the rain showers and sometimes it's after the monsoon. 
A friend of mine is experiencing a monsoon right now.  I hope she knows that at some point the sun will peak out from behind the clouds again.

Project Life 365

Holy smokes!  Do I have some catching up to do, or what?
I'm skipping over many of the prompts and just posting the few I've completed. 
Maybe spring break will prove to solution to my issues!  Until then, enjoy these...

Project Life 365...a few random days!

I am still way behind in taking, editing, and posting for this project, but I'm still determined to finish!
The shots below are from random days, so if you're a chronological kind of person, this post might make you a bit annoyed. 
If it doesn't bother you, keep on reading or looking and I'll keep shooting!
 You'll find plenty "more" orchids  where these came from! 
Longwood Gardens!

Blue morning sky, looking north!

" shared space"

Over 17,000 students and supporters "shared space" at the Bryce Jordan Center at Penn State University to raise money for THON and the Blue Diamonds Fund at Hershey Medical Center to help fund pediatric cancer research and to support the familes of children who've been affected.  These kids don't just raise money, they actually visit with the families, take the kids bowling, rock climbing, on picnics, they visit the kids while they are in the hospital and they continue to support the families even after the children are in remission, cancer free, or even sadder...gone from this life.  

"when I grow up"

"When I grow up" there'll be lots of candles on my cake!

Project Life 365-days 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, and 41

I'm way behind in posting.  Hopefully the pictures will tell the story!

I'm so glad I "saved up" to buy this fun Lensbaby!

I love "my view" out the window when it snows!

Longwood is always an adventure!

I'm so" lucky" that a friend was able to meet me at Longwood to have some fun!

Project Life 365-days 34 and 35


During the winter months my back-scratcher and lotion don't leave my nightstand.

"daily life"

I couldn't get through my "daily life" without my glasses or my contacts.  Reading and looking at my camera settings, both require some added help for my eyes!

Project Life 365-days 29, 31, 33

I'm sorry to be skipping around.  I'm not always motivated nor do I always have time to complete my shots on any given day. Sometimes I shoot but don't edit.  Stay with me as I do plan to complete the project!


Some rare color in an otherwise blah winter landscape from a red twig dogwood bush my son planted for me a few years ago.


This mandevilla continues to "grow" every winter in a garage that's barely above freezing and event though I rarely remember to water it!  Sometimes it even blooms under those conditions!


I am greeted by the repetition of foot prints in my yard and across my driveway after a dusting of snow.


Project Life 365-days 28 and 29


I am really hoping that the "inside" of this chocolate chip cookie brownie don't stick around on the inside of me! 

"new to me"

I ordered some used optics this week for a Lensbaby and my happy mail came today.  I didn't have daylight left and the learning curve is going to be steep, but I'm up for the challenge!

Project 365-day 21


I can play this one two different ways, both with some element of truth, but only one is the real motivation behind what drives me to keep trying, even when things don't quite go the way I had planned.  
I could say that I've been "dream"ing about this since since Tuesday, the day I should have posted this picture, but we had no snow on Tuesday or I can say that I dream of the day I can do this type of shot well. To get it in focus and tack sharp.  It was much harder than simply holding the camera still or putting it on the tripod. 
Oh, but what fun I had and worth every frozen finger tip!

Project Life 365-day 22

"makes me smile"

I ordered a replacement part for my stove top yesterday (a holiday) at 3:27pm and from Albany, NY..  When I returned home from work at 2:15pm today the part was on my front step!  

Project Life-day 19


To quote the words of the song, "forever in blue jeans," that's my style!

And just because I like adding a bit of fun to my style, here's a different edit!

Project Life 365-days 13, 14, 15, 16

A bit behind on posting but not shooting!

day 13-"forgotten"
This is the look we get when he thinks he's been forgotten!

Day 14-"temptation"

Chocolate...need I say more"

day 15-"confusing"
Rain gear along with snow it winter or spring?

day 16-"sign of winter"

Looking up through bare trees seeing gloomy gray skies..

Project Life 365-day 12

I spent a good bit of time today trying to come up with an idea.  While cleaning I found the marshmallow shooter that each of my boys found under the Christmas tree and the light bulb went on... "mini" marshmallows.
I tried several times to get a marshmallow to splash into the hot chocolate and then just to get it in mid-air and in focus.  It didn't quite happen, so I settled for the second shot in today's post.


Project Life 365-day 11


My signature photo for 2012 was the sunrise with my cell phone.  Since so many people enjoyed seeing the sunrise without actually having to leave their houses, or beds for that matter, I thought I would continue the trend in 2013.