Project Life 365...a few random days!

I am still way behind in taking, editing, and posting for this project, but I'm still determined to finish!
The shots below are from random days, so if you're a chronological kind of person, this post might make you a bit annoyed. 
If it doesn't bother you, keep on reading or looking and I'll keep shooting!
 You'll find plenty "more" orchids  where these came from! 
Longwood Gardens!

Blue morning sky, looking north!

" shared space"

Over 17,000 students and supporters "shared space" at the Bryce Jordan Center at Penn State University to raise money for THON and the Blue Diamonds Fund at Hershey Medical Center to help fund pediatric cancer research and to support the familes of children who've been affected.  These kids don't just raise money, they actually visit with the families, take the kids bowling, rock climbing, on picnics, they visit the kids while they are in the hospital and they continue to support the families even after the children are in remission, cancer free, or even sadder...gone from this life.  

"when I grow up"

"When I grow up" there'll be lots of candles on my cake!