It's just another Macro Monday! 25/26

Come take a walk with me through the websites of four photographers who are sharing their love of macro photography every other Monday throughout the year.  We shoot what we love, what makes us happy,  to hone our skills,  to stretch our minds and our imaginations, and because it's who we are! 

Our final week for 2013.  
We started a week late and skipped last week due to our busy schedules.
We have plans to continue our circle into next year but with a twist on our theme.  
Stay tuned!

I thought it only fitting to finish out the year sharing a bit of my Christmas. 

An original Elf on the belongs to my husband and was given to him as a child!  He sits in our tree...

An ornament from our tree...

Sprinkles for the Cream Cheese cookies no one can seem to live without..

A snowman that greets me at the sink each morning...

The leaves of a pointsettia...

A keychain camera that sounds like a camera when you click the shutter and yes, that's my tree in the lens...

The next three are from a quick trip to Longwood ..

Thank you all for sharing in this journey with me this year.  I appreciate your comments and that so many of you have told me how much you look forward to seeing my work.  
I hope you continue to follow my blog next year and to check out the blogs of my friends who are joining in this project with me!

To see the final posts of the other three photographers start here with 
and click the links in each post until you come full circle!

Wishing you all a happy, healthy, photography filled New Year!

It's Just Another Macro Monday! 23/26

Come take a walk with me through the websites of four photographers who are sharing their love of macro photography every other Monday throughout the year.  We shoot what we love, what makes us happy,  to hone our skills,  to stretch our minds and our imaginations, and because it's who we are! 

This week's images come from a Macro Study I'm doing on my favorite photography forum.

One of my many favorite photographers is sharing his love of macro photography and the how-to's with a small group of us. 
This week's challenge was to use a different lighting source than you normally off-camera flash, a reflector, a flashlight...whatever you could find.
Since I have an off-camera flash, but little experience with it, I decided to try that.  
These two pictures couldn't be more different in color and tone, but 
I like them anyway.

To see what the other three photographers, particpating in the challenge, posted this week
and click the link in each post until you end up back here.
The circle will, then, be complete.

It's Just Another Macro Monday-Week 22/26

Come take a walk with me through the websites of four photographers who are sharing their love of macro photography every other Monday throughout the year.  We shoot what we love, what makes us happy,  to hone our skills,  to stretch our minds and our imaginations, and because it's who we are! 

This week's post if from my favorite place to shoot macro. 

I spent the afternoon there last week with another group of friends who keep me inspired,
push me to further my knowledge base, and enjoy my hobby as much as I do!

I'm looking forward to my next visit already. Their Christmas display is amazing. If you get a chance, if you live within driving distance, you should go, at least once in your lifetime, but I can almost guarantee that you'll want to back!

Here are a few of my favorite. 


To continue around the circle and see what the rest of my friends found to share this week, 

It's Just Another Macro Monday-Week 21/26

Come take a walk with me through the websites of four photographers who are sharing their love of macro photography every other Monday throughout the year.  We shoot what we love, what makes us happy,  to hone our skills,  to stretch our minds and our imaginations, and because it's who we are! 

The weeks are flying by quickly and life is busy.  Changes are taking place.  Changes that I've been anticipating for a very long time. 
Dreams are coming true.
The addition we've began planning in our heads, decades ago, is finally starting to look like a room!
While I was away this past weekend, Paul was busy with this stuff!

fiberglass insulation


And of course the screws to hang the drywall!  

to continue around the circle and see what the other photographers have come up with start here with

And then click the link in her post to check out the next photographer!

It's just another Macro Monday! 19/26

Come take a walk with me through the websites of four photographers who are sharing their love of macro photography every other Monday throughout the year.  We shoot what we love, what makes us happy,  to hone our skills,  to stretch our minds and our imaginations, and because it's who we are! 

One of the first things I learned when I took my first online photography course and the single most important thing that made a difference in my photos was to move my feet.  To climb on top of things.  To lay on the ground.  To look around.  To see things from different vantage points.  
Most of the time when I shoot, it's morning.  I just love morning light. This week I chose to wait until the evening to challenge myself.  And challenge myself, I did.  
I waited until the sun was almost down.  
My camera was literally in the grass.  
Well, that's where this week's subjects came from!

A buttercup and some type of weed hiding in our "well" manicured lawn!

To continue around the circle and see what the other photographers found this week, 
and click the link in her post that takes you to next photographer, and so on!

It's just another Macro Monday! 18/26

Come take a walk with me through the websites of four photographers who are sharing their love of macro photography every other Monday throughout the year.  We shoot what we love, what makes us happy,  to hone our skills,  to stretch our minds and our imaginations, and because it's who we are! 

Ready or not, it's coming!

Shorter days.  Cooler nights. Falling leaves and these!

To continue around the circle, start here with photographer 
and click on the link in each Macro Monday post until you get back here to mine.

It's just another Macro Monday! 17/26

Come take a walk with me through the websites of four photographers who are sharing their love of macro photography every other Monday throughout the year.  We shoot what we love, what makes us happy,  to hone our skills,  to stretch our minds and our imaginations, and because it's who we are! 

My apologies to the arachnophobics out there!

No bigger than a half inch and yet they creep out so many people, myself included.  I can't even stand the though of walking through a cobweb and getting the spider's silk on me.  Ewww!

What I had never noticed before was how much thicker and stronger the silk is that holds the spider's next meal.  

To see what the other talented ladies found to shoot this week, start here with

and click on the link in each Macro Monday post until you come back here!

It's just another Macro Monday! (16 of 26!)

Come take a walk with me through the websites of four photographers who are sharing their love of macro photography every other Monday throughout the year.  We shoot what we love, what makes us happy,  to hone our skills,  to stretch our minds and our imaginations, and because it's who we are! 

"Can't see the forest for the trees."

I was outside a few days ago looking for a subject for this week's Macro Monday post.  I was also looking for the elusive humming bird my husband swears is there or maybe even the hummingbird moth he's seen near my butterfly bushes.  Since the hummingbird feeder and the bushes are in close proximity, I camped out there with my camera.  I did see a few monarch butterflies, but I shot them a couple of weeks ago.  The only other flying creatures I saw were two whites moths, that is until this little guy showed up.  I didn't really think he or she was very pretty and it was definitely NOT was I was hoping for. So I waited and waited and waited. Then I thought, why not?  Take a picture.  What can it hurt? I had no idea of the details that would illuminate themselves once I put the image on my computer.  
Look at his furry little head and furry little body. Then notice his striped antennae and huge eyes.

 Come in a little closer and take a look!

I was so glad that he decided to stick around and that I finally noticed his beauty even though originally, I'd passed him by.

To see what the the other photographers have found for us this week, 
and her MM:16 post,
then click on the link in each post until you've viewed all of our images.

It's just another Macro Monday!

Come take a walk with me through the websites of four photographers who are sharing their love of macro photography every other Monday throughout the year.  We shoot what we love, what makes us happy,  to hone our skills,  to stretch our minds and our imaginations, and because it's who we are! 

Can. Not. Wait.
If I'm shooting macros of my tomato plants at this point in the summer, I'm thinking I won't be seeing any edible tomatoes for quite a while.  Good thing my neighbors let me poach from their plants!

Don't get too excited for me with this last one.  It's smaller than a golf ball!

To continue around the circle and see what the other three talented ladies shot this week, 
and click the link in each post to see the next photographers images.

It's just another Macro Monday!

Come take a walk with me through the websites of four photographers who are sharing their love of macro photography every other Monday throughout the year.  We shoot what we love, what makes us happy,  to hone our skills,  to stretch our minds and our imaginations, and because it's who we are! 
Note:One of our photographers is unable to participate at the present time

Just hanging around...

I've been waiting for weeks to see a butterfly on my butterfly bushes.  The blooms seemed delayed this year, but with all the rain we've had I couldn't understand why.  I was ready to give up and think that the butterflies had gone the way of the hummingbirds, whose feeders I still even though I have only seen one or two in years. Finally, this week, I found hope.

   And a happy missed shot!

Check out the other awesome gals by started withe 

It's just another Macro Monday!

Come take a walk with me through the websites of four photographers who are sharing their love of macro photography every other Monday throughout the year.  We shoot what we love, what makes us happy,  to hone our skills,  to stretch our minds and our imaginations, and because it's who we are! 

While outside last weekend I found a few critters to keep my company.  I was weeding and replanting some flowers that had reseeded themselves in places I didn't want them to grow!  There was also the yearly task of removing the leaves and debris from the river rock that surrounds our house.  Many of these critters made their home in the moist, muddy environment.  

I just loved this baby worm!  

We are halfway through our challenge for this year.  To see what the other talented ladies found, 
and from there you can check out Denean and Faye's images!

It's just another Macro Monday!

Come take a walk with me through the websites of four photographers who are sharing their love of macro photography every other Monday throughout the year.  We shoot what we love, what makes us happy,  to hone our skills,  to stretch our minds and our imaginations, and because it's who we are! 

It's week 12 and hard to believe that we're almost half way through this challenge.  I have, only, two images to share this week.  Neither was planned, not exactly anyway.  I started to go for the new flowers that were blooming in my yard when the buds I was focusing on, got a visitor.
Those visitors became the focus of my images!

To see what Denean, Faye and Stacy found this week, start here with Stacy's post!

We are not all linked, yet today.  So if you don't see someone's post, be sure to check back!

It's just another Macro Monday!

Come take a walk with me through the websites of four photographers who are sharing their love of macro photography every other Monday throughout the year.  We shoot what we love, what makes us happy,  to hone our skills,  to stretch our minds and our imaginations, and because it's who we are! 

Rain drops keep falling on my head....
that's been the song in the back of my mind all spring long, so when I woke up to rain, again, this morning, I knew exactly what I wanted my post today to be.
I just love how the view in droplets is upside down.

I almost missed this little drop!

To see what the other ladies found this week, start here with Stacy Heap Vitallo

It's just another Macro Monday!

  Come take a walk with me through the websites of four photographers who are sharing their love of macro photography every other Monday throughout the year.  We shoot what we love, what makes us happy,  to hone our skills,  to stretch our minds and our imaginations, and because it's who we are!
This Monday project sneaks up on me.  I have two weeks to think about shooting, but the procrastinator in me has the upper hand.
The flowers are beginning to bloom in my yard, but unfortunately for me, this morning, the rain clouds had decided to make an appearance.  
I really did hope it would come out later in the day but took the break in the downpours to grab a few of the flowers that are currently blooming in my gardens.  
So, while the light is not pretty, the flowers and the buds are.
There's no such thing as an ugly flower.
I read this quote earlier this week.
I think the meaning behind it is much deeper than the words seem to be, especially when you take a minute to consider the possibilites.

“If we could see the miracle of a single flower clearly, our whole life would change.” -Buddha


 To see what the talented Faye, Denean, and Stacy have chosen to share with us this week, start here with Stacy's blog and click the link in each post to go the next one. 

It's just another Macro Monday!

  Come take a walk with me through the websites of four photographers who are sharing their love of macro photography every other Monday throughout the year.  We shoot what we love, what makes us happy,  to hone our skills,  to stretch our minds and our imaginations, and because it's who we are!

This week's post is dedicated to my youngest son.  
On Sunday, May 5, 2013 
Kevin graduated from Penn State University with a degree in Finance. 
As I was sitting in the stands of Bryce Jordan Center, I took a few pictures of some of the little things, that are part of a graduation ceremony.
There are, also,some pictures of some things that were important to him over the last few weeks. 
There are some images of some Penn State memorabilia that I found at the house where was stayed.
I couldn't be any prouder of Kevin, but there's a part of me that still doesn't quite believe it.
Am I really this old?
Interesting enough, I heard people offer Kevin their condolences.  Literally.
Instead of saying "congratulations" these kids were saying "my condolences" to each other.
They didn't want to graduate either! 
There's more to the story but you'll have check back to find out. 
 I'll share the rest of the images as I get time to sort through and edit them,
and when it's not a macro Monday!
For today, here are just a few.  Some you will understand. Some you'll question, but don't ask.  Those are probably the ones that are special to Kevin.

and just because it's so incredibly difficult not to give you a flower, here's two taken at the arboretum on campus!

To see what the other three talented photographers found, 
From her post click the link to the next photography and the next.
Four in all!


It's just another Macro Monday!

  Come take a walk with me through the websites of four photographers who are sharing their love of macro photography every other Monday throughout the year.  We shoot what we love, what makes us happy,  to hone our skills,  to stretch our minds and our imaginations, and because it's who we are!


"The ants go marching one by one, hurrah, hurrah 
The ants go marching one by one, hurrah, hurrah 
The ants go marching one by one, 
The little one stops to suck his thumb 
And they all go marching down to the ground  
To get out of the rain, BOOM! BOOM! BOOM!"

One day last week my son told me that there ants in the candy bowl in my family and in my dining room, which is on the other side of the house.
No where in between, though.
I found one ant in the candy bowl, dumped the candy in the trash, and washed out the bowl.  My son took care of the ants in my dining room.
Problem solved, or so I thought.
A few days later I threw a bag of Tootsie Rolls in the bowl in the family room.   
Over the next couple of days I ate a Tootsie Roll or two, until Thursday.  On Thursday, I ate a Tootsie Roll and thought it tasted kinda funny.  I grabbed another Tootsie Roll, unwrapped it, popped it in my mouth, started chewing, and screamed when I realized it wasn't just a Tootsie Roll.
Yep, you guessed it...the ants were back.  
I get ants every spring. No big deal.
 A few on the kitchen counters.  Maybe a couple around the dogs bowl.  
We treat the perimeter of the house.  
The ants disappear.   
Now, that I'm positive, or at least fairly certain, I may have ingested some of these little creatures ( I still have this funny feeling in the back of my throat when I look at these pictures) I am on an all out mission to rid my house of their presence. 
I realized after I calmed down that an opportunity had just presented itself to me and I grabbed my camera.  
This is the last I hope to see of these things!  

 To begin your journey through the circle of other photographers, start here with photographer 
and check out her MM8 post!
After seeing what she has to share this week, find the link in her post to what 
Denean Simon Melcher and Faye Kingston have to share this week!
I know you won't be disappointed!


It's just another Macro Monday!

 Come take a walk with me through the websites of four photographers who are sharing their love of macro photography every other Monday throughout the year.  We shoot what we love, what makes us happy,  to hone our skills,  to stretch our minds and our imaginations, and because it's who we are!

Spring is finally springing in my neck of the woods.  The last two days have been relatively warm, at least compared to the last few weeks. 
This is one sign of spring that I don't usually look forward to .
It means work.
It means hours on my knees with my gloves on my hands yanking this stuff out of my garden.
Now that I have a macro lens, I may feel a little differently
in the right light, even a weed, in this case the beginning of some chickweed, can be

 To begin your journey through the circle of other photographers, start here with photographer 
and check out her MM7 post!
After seeing what she has to share this week, find the link in her post to what 
Denean Simon Melcher and Faye Kingston have to share this week!
I know you won't be disappointed!

Just another Macro Monday!

This time of year tests my patience.
We're getting a lot of rain, but I wish it were snow.
The only snow we've had has been nuisance snow, as far as I'm concerned.  An inch here, two inches there.  Not even enough for a 2 hour delay, much less a snow day!
That really makes me start to wish for spring, but part of me  still wishes for just one good snow.  
On one those days when I was wishing for warmer weather, I took a walk around the yard to see if I could find any signs of spring, and I was pleasantly surprised!

If I remember correctly, this was the bud of a Red Twig Dogwood bush...

  And some daffodils popping up through the mulch...

And the bud from my dogwood tree, I think!

Two days after I found these signs of spring, we got another nuisance snow.  It was pretty and short lived, already melting but the time I got dressed and outside with my camera!

Start here with Stacy Heap Vitallo and see what inspiration she found for her macro shoots this week and then click the link in her post to see what Faye Kingston and Denean Melcher have found that will surely impress us all! 

Macro Monday is back!

It's time for another Macro Monday blog circle.  
All four photographers are participating again this week. 
If you click the link at the bottom of my post, it will take you to Stacy Heap Vitallo's post.
From there click the link to the next one and then one more.  You'll have completed the circle when you return to my post!  

One of the best places to take  pictures of flowers is at Longwood Gardens.  I am so blessed to be able to drive there in a reasonable amount of time and be surrounded by beautiful flowers, tended to by some the country's best gardeners, in my opinion!


 Now check out the rest of the fabulous images from some very talented photographers!

Macro Monday!!

This week I looked for something that most of use every day.  I walked around the house and looked at all sorts of things trying to decide what would make a unique image.  
This is something like I had in mind, but it's not exactly what I was thinking.
Nevertheless, it was still kind of fun experimenting with different colors, backgrounds and 
depth of fields.



To see what the other 3 photographers have for this week's Macro Monday image