52 on Friday-Week Nine

A blog circle of photographers from all over the world, both amateur and professional alike, sharing their interpretations of a common theme.  At the bottom of each post, click the link for the next photographer until you come full circle, back here to my blog.


As I walked around the house looking for inspiration for this week's shot, the shine of the reflection of the sun in these wine glasses in my dining room caught my eye.  I decided to take the glass outside to try catching the inverted sunset in the water I had poured into the glass.  Admittedly, it's not as shiny as it appeared in my dining room, but it's definitely more creative. 

To see what kind of shiny things  photographer Faye Kingston of   Miramichi, NB  found click here

I'm adding this one because I love the color of the sky as the sun got closer to setting.


52 on Friday-Week Eight

A blog circle of photographers from all over the world, both amateur and professional alike, sharing their interpretations of a common theme.  At the bottom of each post, click the link for the next photographer until you come full circle, back here to my blog.


This week's shot was a  bit of a happy accident.  It was my "safe" shot, one that's not terribly creative, but one that I've wanted to try, nonetheless.  I moved the clock from it's wall in the dining room because of glare from the sun through the dining room window.  I put in on a wall in my living room. The first time I tried to find focus I realized that I was getting the reflections of old photos on the opposite wall.  These photo are reproductions of old photos that I manage to get from my in-laws as well as from my parents.  There are relatives that can't be named in some of these shots because the names were not recorded and there's no longer anyone alive who knows.  I paid a small fortune many years ago to have these portraits digitally corrected and printed.  That was long before Photoshop was available to the general public so inexpensively, but I wanted my child to know their roots, so I happily had them done.  The angle is not perfect, but the memories are.  Reflections of time might be a better label for my photo today....

To see how "time" passes at photographer Christa Paustenbaugh of Manassas, VA click here

52 on Friday-Week Seven

  A blog circle of photographers from all over the world, both amateur and professional alike, sharing their interpretations of a common theme.  At the bottom of each post, click the link for the next photographer until you come full circle, back here to my blog.


For this week's theme I chose another rose.  These were a bit more special than last week's flower, which I bought at the local produce joint.  They were a Valentine's Day gift from my husband.  I love the soft pink edges...

To see what's pink in the viewfinder of  photographer Kimberlee Edwards of Cary NC Photographer, click  here

52 on Friday-Week Six

 A blog circle of photographers from all over the world, both amateur and professional alike, sharing their interpretations of a common theme.  At the bottom of each post, click the link for the next photographer until you come full circle, back here to my blog.


What better way to show love than with a red rose.

 To see how photographer Karol Quinn of Baltimore, Maryland photographs love click here

52 on Friday-Week Five

 A blog circle of photographers from all over the world, both amateur and professional alike, sharing their interpretations of a common theme.  At the bottom of each post, click the link for the next photographer until you come full circle back here.

"on the shelf"

These things were on my go-to shelf this week.  I started last week with a cold, but for the last three days I couldn't breathe, couldn't sleep, and just felt miserable.  I left work early Wednesday and called the doctor.  She kindly called in a prescription for an antiboitic and gave me instructions to add the Mucinex to my other methods of self-treatment. What a difference a day makes.  I feel a lot better!

Now head over to see what photographer Tammyy Bilodeau of  Whitecourt, AB Photogrpaher keeps on her shelves 

52 on Friday-Week Four

 A blog circle of photographers from all over the world, both amateur and professional alike, sharing their interpretations of a common theme.  At the bottom of each post, click the link for the next photographer until you come full circle back here.


This week's theme was a bit of challenge for me, creatively speaking.  Well, truth be told, technically speaking as well.  I waited until the last minute to do take this picture because I couldn't decide what to do.  I searched the internet for some inspiration every day this week and again tonight.  I finally found a shot that I decided was worthy of my efforts, especially because I thought it would be fairly simple to accomplish. As it turned out, I  needed the help of my oldest son because I was having trouble being in front of the camera and behind the camera, composing the shot, at the same time. I explained what I was looking for as far as composition.  I adjusted the settings on the camera. Dan took the shot! ( And I put my remote release aside for another day!)

Here's me keeping warm with a cup of hot chocolate!

To see what photographer Christa Paustenbaugh of Manassas, VA thinks about warmth click here

Fifty-two on Friday-Week Three

A blog circle of photographers from all over the world, both amateur and professional alike, sharing their interpretations of a common theme.  At the bottom of each post, click the link for the next photographer until you come full circle back here.

"A picture is worth a thousand words." 

How many times have you heard that saying?    According to Wikipedia it "is believed that the modern use of the phrase stems from an article by Fred R. Barnard in the advertising trade journal Printers' Ink, promoting the use of images in advertisements that appeared on the sides of streetcars.[1] The December 8, 1921 issue carries an ad entitled, "One Look is Worth A Thousand Words."

Scrabble is a popular game that uses letter tiles to make words.    I play "Words with Friends" on my smart phone.  It;s fun to be able to play a game with other people and not even be in the same room with them.  I can play with my eight year old niece, my friend and my sister all at the same time, although the game can take days (or weeks in my case) to play

For this photo I used our original Scrabble game.  It has a copyright date of 1953 on it's label.  That's several years older than either my husband or myself.    I thought about actually playing a real game but then decided to set up the tiles and let them tell the story of why I took the photo!  It may not be worth a thousand words, but it was fun and it gets the point across!

To see how Jenn Duguay, Valleyview, Alberta Photographer interprets our theme, just click on her name!

52 on Friday-Week Two

For the last two years the landscape around me, at this time of year, has been beautiful.  I enjoyed many walks with my camera in tow, revealing in the cleanliness of  the snow covered ground and trees while thanking our creator for allowing me the time to reflect upon it's beauty and the skill to record it on "film."  This year has not been white, nor as cold.  The only snow we've seen was a slight dusting on Halloween.   Trying to find the beauty in bare branches and dormant grass is challenging, so I took a walk through a local park to capture the simplicity of the waterfall.

Let's head over to fellow photographer Ashley Alexander's neck of the woods to see what the landscape there looks like.

52 on Friday-Week One

I am taking part in a new challenge for 2012.  It's a blog circle of photography.  Each Friday every talented photographer in the group will post a picture they've taken that in some way, shape, or form is related to a given topic.  At the bottom of each photographer's post will be a link to the next photographer.  If you click on the link at the bottom of each post for that week you eventually come right back to the original post, thus a circle!  This should be a lot of fun and incredible way to see how each talented lady interprets the theme for that week!  I am so excited to take part in this.  I hope you enjoy it too!

Our first theme, very fitting of a new  year, is "new."  This is a new leaf growing on one of my geranium plants that I tenderly care for each winter while waiting for spring to arrive.  It's no bigger than the nail on my pinky finger!

Now, take a look at what photographer Kimberlee Edwards has chosen to share with us this week

Macro-week 1

This guy wasn't buried in the flower when I found him.  I think he knew I was there though.  He refused to pull his head out of the flower no matter much I tried to disturb him!