52 on Friday-Week Thirty eight

A blog circle of photographers from all over the world, both amateur and professional alike, sharing their interpretations of a common theme.  At the bottom of each post, click the link for the next photographer until you come full circle, back here to my blog.


This week's theme is reflections.  As soon as I saw the theme I knew I wanted to show you this reflection.  It's from the local horticultural gardens and is a part of a light display they are currently featuring.

to see the reflections of the rest of my blog circle, start here with  Christa Paustenbaugh of Okinawa Japan

I'm adding another one I took last night. I had another trip planned to the same gardens, but it was scheduled for Friday evening and this post was set for Friday morning.  I shot this just for fun...just to push the limits of my creativity.  It's totally not my usual style, but I'm liking breaking out of that mold!


52 on Friday-thirty seven

A blog circle of photographers from all over the world, both amateur and professional alike, sharing their interpretations of a common theme.  At the bottom of each post, click the link for the next photographer until you come full circle, back here to my blog.


For this week's shot I went to one of my favorite local parks and found these trees...

and, no, this is not upside down!

 To continue around the circle and see what other variety of trees this talented group of photographers found for our enjoyment, start here with Robin Moore