52 on Friday-Week Thirteen

A blog circle of photographers from all over the world, both amateur and professional alike, sharing their interpretations of a common theme.  At the bottom of each post, click the link for the next photographer until you come full circle, back here to my blog.


I like music.  I've always liked music, but I've never been "into" music.  Even as a kid I was never big on going to concerts or collecting every album my favorite singer put out. I'm not sure I ever even had a favorite singer, well maybe David Cassidy from the Partridge Family, but I'm not sure that was totally about his voice!  I had a few albums, and then 8-track tapes, followed by cassettes and then CD's.  I probably still have it all in this house, somewhere.  Now though, we don't need to have any of those things to listen to music, we can download it all from the internet.  I resisted this trend for a long time.  My boys were on their second or third iPods before I finally caved and asked for this, just this past Christmas.  I've downloaded a total of 39 songs and even managed to create a couple of playlists.  My exercise list is a favorite.  It keeps me moving on my walks with the dog. I just really hope no one is listening to me on those walks because I have a habit of doing the same thing I do in the car when there's a song playing that I like, yes, I sing out loud!

To see what type of music photographer Tammy Bilodeau of Whitecourt, AB has for us click here