52 on Friday-Week Twelve

A blog circle of photographers from all over the world, both amateur and professional alike, sharing their interpretations of a common theme.  At the bottom of each post, click the link for the next photographer until you come full circle, back here to my blog.


This week I've tried not to spend too much time inside, but more time outside because the weather has been so unseasonably warm.  If I go outside I'm rarely sitting down to enjoy the moment. This week though was different.  I took the outdoor chair cushions out of the attic more than a month before I normally would and, on more than one night this week, I sat outside,my feet propped up, with nothing but my thoughts.  Tonight however I tried to incorporate one the books that first influenced my love of photography.  Now that I'm finally understanding the mechanics and rules of photography it's time to start creating my images instead of just photographing them.

   Now to see what type of books photographer Christa Paustenbaugh of Manassas, VA  captured, click here