After the storm...
Yesterday Mother Nature showed some of her not-so-pretty colors
with a powerful storm that has left devastation throughout a good part of the ti-state area.
My neighborhood seems to have been in a bubble. I saw barely a broken branch or downed leaves anywhere along my walk this morning.
Just after the storms last night, though, Mother Nature showed her amazing,
breathtakingly beautiful self.
How can not believe God had a hand in this.
Back to Longwood...
Frosty March mornings!
We've had our share of cold, snowy, icy mornings in the last few weeks.
As I headed out to the gym on Saturday I noticed the frost patterns on my car's windshield.
Snowflakes and frozen bubbles have eluded me so far this winter and the promise of spring on the horizon sent me back into the house for my camera. There'd be another class at the YMCA later in the day!