I'm a month into retirement!

I didn’t exactly have a plan when I retired. I have a list of things I’d like to do or should get done…you know….that chore list. There’s the type A part of me that wants to get the to-do list out of the way. I quickly realized that the list doesn’t end. As soon as I check off a chore or two, three more come to mind. All work and no play makes for no creative outlet. So I decided to find that type B part of me and go with a balance, sort of! I did take some time for go shoot and I try to take a little time daily to pick up my camera. I’ve also been working hard to get some of those chores done too. Having a family at my house was the motivation for that!

I had a lot of help with the components of the party. My nieces and nephew volunteered to to the decorations, paper products, and handle the games that day off, that my sister-in-law created for us. As part of the decorations I suggested flowers from the local flower farmer Renegage Flower Farm. I can tell you we were not disappointed! The picture above taken with my Lensbaby Velvet was one of the beautiful dahlia’s she grew!

These purple petals came from a dahlia I grew! That’s another part of the retirement plan…to spend more time gardening. There is something about putting my hands in the soil and tending to plants that centers me. I’m gonna need a lot more of that since I’ll have a lot more time to pick up my camera! Now I just need to figure out what to do when it’s cold outside! Stay tuned!