We all know that Christmas can be a magical time of year and it should be. Sometimes the business of the season can take over and make life stressful though. I made it a point to slow down a bit this year. I started my prep a little earlier and did a little bit each week. That included taking my camera for walks.
I’ve been to Longwood a few times. Once with the The PhotographyWorkshop in West Chester! Mark run a class at Longwood. The image above was inspired by one of the students I met that night!
I had a blast working on my ICM or intentional camera movement techniques!
I limited myself to one or two lenses each night. On this trip I used my Lensbaby Burnside 35. It’s a discontinued lens but you may still find some new in retail stores or even used in some places.
My Lensbaby Velvet 56 came in handy when the weather was not ideal and I needed a macro fix! A wonderful neighbor up the road has started a flower farm and she gifted me a bunch of dried flowers. This broom corn was in the bunch and I challenged myself to find a creative way to tell a story with it! Thanks renegadeflowerfarm!
I hope you all found a bit of peace this season! I’m going to enjoy the next few days and weeks much the same way by slowing down and taking it all in! Wishing you all a wonderful new year!