52 on Friday-Weeks 23, 22, 21, and 20!

 A blog circle of photographers from all over the world, both amateur and professional alike, sharing their interpretations of a common theme.  At the bottom of each post, click the link for the next photographer until you come full circle, back here to my blog.

I've been MIA for a few weeks and without my computer.  My husband and I took a land-cruise to Alaska to celebrate our 30th wedding anniversary.  We were gone for 18 days and I was unplugged, at least as far as my laptop was concerned...it stayed home.  I wasn't able to post my shots from my cell phone so I decided to skip those weeks, originally.  Now that I'm back, I've decided to catch up on the weeks I've missed.  I will start with Week 23. 

Movement-week 23

For this week's shot, I decided on one I took while we were on board the cruise ship.  This is a picture of the Hubbard Glacier in the Yukutat Bay of Alaska.  The glacier is calving.  The sounds that calving makes is very similar to thunder.  The ice behind the edge of the glacier, that we can see, pushes forward causing pieces of ice, some huge, to fall into the bay, where they float around like icebergs. As the huge pieces of glacier break away they make an incredible spash! Here is looks like a while cloud. The glacier was really this blue.  Here's an explanation I took from Alaska.com as to why. 

"Glaciers are created when decades upon decades of snow compact themselves into ice. As the ice crystals grow, they push out the air.
The ice absorbs most light and reflects the short-wave-length blue light.
But as ice moves along and is exposed to warmer air or warmer water, the crystal structure breaks down and reflects all the light. That change, writes guide Karen Jettmar in "Alaska's Glacier Bay: A Traveler's Guide," makes the ice appear white.
And that's why the deepest blue coloration is often seen in fractured places: crevasses, towers and where chunks of ice have calved. The color may appear richest on cloudy days."

To see more interpretations of "movement" and continue around the blog circle, start here with  

Now, I'd like to make up the week's I missed while I was away.

Week 22-Growth 
 I love watching the growth of my flowers during the spring/summer months.  These daisys hadn't started to bud before we left for our trip.  Now the buds are just beginning to burst open.

 Week 21-Winged Creatures

This is another shot from our trip.  One of our excursions was a boat ride to see the wildlife of Alaska. Bald Eagles seem to be plentiful on the edges of the shore banks.  I think there are at least 12 in this shot.  This is technically a great shot, but I love that I was able to catch them at all.  Three of them had actually started to take flight!

Week 20-Slow Shutter